On vacation in the Big Island of Hawaii at the Hilo Farmers Market I met a wonderful young man, Javi, selling the most delicious Turmeric Tonic!
Here are pictures of his gorgeous organic turmeric he grew and his tonic. 

If your interested in his product, you can contact him: 

Gauranga Live
200 Kanoelehua Ave. #303
Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 430-2952
www.gaurangalive.com (coming soon)
Inspired by this tonic I came up with a recipe so I can enjoy this healthy drink regularly.   I don’t have fresh coconuts to use in my tonic since I live in the north.  Sadly no coconut trees growing in my yard so it’s not quite as spectacular, but it’s pretty good. 
Turmeric-Ginger-Coconut  Tonic
1/4 cup shredded organic coconut
1c hot filtered water
Blend ingredients in a high powered blender such as a vita-mix. 
Add to coconut mixture:
 1/2 inch of fresh turmeric
 1/2 inch fresh ginger
  2 pitted dates
Blend for a minute.
Pour liquid in a fine cheese cloth or unbleached coffee filter and strain. 
  ( you can drink as is with the pulp-     similar to a smoothie).
Adjust ingredients to your own taste. 
Enjoy a little bit at a time or all of it at once.  I drink about 2oz daily. 
Keep chilled 
Turmeric is one of the worlds healthiest spices.  With anti-inflammatory properties, is useful to heal arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, supports liver to cleanse the blood.   Also a great digestive aid along with relieving dyspepsia.  
For more information see these links: 