December Wellness December has ushered in freezing cold temperatures here in central Ohio. Staying warm is a priority! The cold, light, dry qualities you feel outside and in...
Read moreEasy Baked Apples, Balance Vata, Pitta Doshas, Low Histamine Betty Brown Serves 6-8 PRINT RECIPE Ingredients 6-8 organic apples, any kind except Granny Smith, with the skin...
Read moreWinter Well-Being With Ayurveda Leaves have fallen….release. There is a promise of snow. The squirrels are in their nests. I look outside, and everywhere I see nature withdrawing, embracing a...
Read moreAyurvedic Golden Nectar, Cultured Ghee Workshop The Art of Ayurveda Cooking is learning about foods that support your unique mind-body type and how to prepare and cook nourishing meals. ...
Read morePeppermint is a perennial herb, used widely for its culinary and medicinal properties. Peppermint(Mentha x piperita) is part of the mint family (Lamiaceae), a natural hybrid between watermint (Mentha aquatica) and spearmint...
Read morePlease check out my August 2019 Newsletter which features several upcoming workshops, and many are free. CLICK HERE TO READ
Read moreOriginating in the Far East around 2,000 years ago, kombucha is a beverage with tremendous health benefits since it contains powerful antioxidants and can help to detoxify the body...
Read moreThe practice of cleansing is considered an essential part of an Ayurvedic preventative healthy lifestyle practice leading to improved energy, strength, and immunity. At its root, an Ayurvedic cleanse...
Read moreAyurveda understands How you eat is even more important than What you eat. This is a bold statement. When we recognize that eating is a sacred practice, we eat...
Read moreBlack Lentil Carrot Soup A Delicious Way to Stay Balanced This Winter Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest form of preventative health care system. Ayurveda focuses on eating...
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