Turn Down the HEAT,

Cool Your Pitta (fire) in August with Ayurveda

The Ayurvedic dosha of Pitta, which governs our digestion and metabolism, is hot, hot, hot in August!

August marks the end of summer. As we enjoy the long hot, sultry days of the final month of summer, we strive to stay cool and find balanceAyurveda aims to bring our bodies back into harmony with nature, helping us create balance through our diet, daily routines, and lifestyle. Understanding Ayurveda helps us to harmonize with each season so we prevent dis-ease and live with ease.


Pitta dosha can increase during the hot summer months.  Pitta’s fiery energy pushes us to become overly productive, active, and competitive.  If we push ourselves too much, it can lead to burnout and feelings of frustration, anger.  Pacing ourselves is important to stay in balance, so we can enjoy all the benefits of a balanced Pitta dosha.

  1. Eat Pitta pacifying foods, and hydrate

  • Avoid/minimize spicy, sour, salty and heating foods, fried foods and processed foods, vinegar, alcohol and red meat
  • Favor foods with astringent, sweet (not sugary) and bitter tastes which balances pitta dosh
  • Enjoy vegetables like leafy greens, summer squashes, cauliflower and cucumber; grains like basmati rice, oats, quinoa and barley; legumes like mung beans, black beans, garbanzo beans and split pea; water-rich and sweet fruits such as melons, grapes, berries, peaches and pears; cooling spices like cilantro, mint, dill, fennel and coriander; oils like coconut, avocado oil and ghee and all unrefined sweeteners such as coconut sugar, maple syrup in moderation (avoid honey and molasses since they are heating)
  1. Slow down, chill and do less!

  • Decrease the intensity of your activities
  • Fill your day with what’s important, and avoid packing it full
  • Allow extra time as you travel from one place to the next to avoid rushing
  • Take time to chill-nap, read a book, listen to music
  • Make time for fun and relaxing activities
  • Check out Do Less: A Short Guide – zen habits zen habits for other ideas: https://zenhabits.net/less/
  1. Cool your mind with meditation and mindfulness

  • Balance any fiery emotions, thoughts with your breath-
    • Find a quiet place (even your car), and sit/lay down
    • Spend 1-3 minutes noticing your breath
    • Notice your inhale and your exhale
    • Notice the temperature of your breath as you inhale and exhale
    • Notice your breath moving through your body
  • Practice Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation
  • Mindful Eating-when eating, avoid any distraction and focus on just eating your food
    • Notice the fragrance, flavor and texture of your food
    • Take time to chew and savor every bite
    • Notice how your food makes you feel in your body and mind

Balance Pitta with this cooling recipe:

Ayurvedic Cucumber Gazpacho, Vegan, Gluten Free: 